It’s one of the most popular themes in science fiction—top secret government experts are ready to spring into action if a UFO appears. For example, in the novella-based 2016 film Arrival, the government quickly assembles a team of military and scientific experts to learn how to communicate with extraterrestrial visitors and decipher their intentions.

In real life, humanity’s search for extraterrestrial life has only intensified since we first looked to the stars and wondered who else was out there. Today, technological advancements like the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) is searching for signs of life on other worlds. Scientists think it’s only a matter of time before we find evidence of alien life among the billions of stars in our galaxy.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government is taking UFOs more seriously. In April 2021, the government created a program within the Office of Naval Intelligence meant to “standardize collection and reporting” of UAPs, or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. In November 2024, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office reported that it had received 757 UAP reports since 2021.

But what happens if—or when—we make actual contact with alien life? Do governments have a plan in place? Based on the picture popular media paints, we might expect that either an alien incursion or discovery of alien life on another planet might spur the government to sweep in, scoop up the best scientists, and simply press-gang them into action. The U.S. has an astronomical defense budget—$840 billion. Surely the U.S. and other major world governments have drawn up preliminary to-do lists in case we encounter extraterrestrial life.

Either the answer is no, or governments aren’t publicizing their plans.

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