President Donald Trump should take executive action by hiring a UFO czar in a bid to finally uncover the mystery that surrounds unidentified aerial phenomena, a former investigator said.

Nick Pope, who probed the mystery for the UK Government’s Ministry of Defence, has called on the federal government to operate at a breakneck speed in a bid to crack the case that has haunted bureaucrats in Washington DC.

There have been allegations for decades that the issue of unidentified aerial phenomena has been swept under the carpet and covered up by government officials, but calls are growing louder and louder for transparency and disclosure.

And, UAPs have now been linked to national security fears and concerns have escalated that America’s enemies are penetrating the skies.

Alien enthusiasts believe humans are being visited by an extra-terrestrial species, while skeptics have suggested something more sinister.

But regardless of origins, Pope believes Americans should be told the truth.

No, we don't need a "UFO czar." We need declassification and transparency.

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