Over a span of several days last week, multiple sightings of UFOs were made in the Fresno, California area with no explanation ever revealed. A couple of the UFO sightings were even reported to the local airport tower by pilots.
The first UFO sighting occurred early in the morning when a light was recorded in the sky by a news tower camera just after 4 a.m. Fox 26 News reported that “the light appeared to hover over downtown Fresno.”
“Where you see that object move at the clip it moves and it’s hovering again,” said Earl Grey Anderson from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who reviewed the footage. “That one I would probably actually give an unknown classification to which is a UFO.”
He added, “What I thought was very interesting about the second video is the clip. It suddenly moves. I’m not sure what distance we’re looking at there. It wasn’t light speed or anything like that but that was awfully fast. You’ve got an interesting capture there somebody saw what I would technically call a UFO.”
The day after the initial UFO sighting, Fox 26 News photojournalist Anthony Guevara captured video of another UFO in the time, this time in broad daylight.
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