HD 20794 d, a planet six times the mass of Earth, orbits a Sun-like star just 20 light-years away. Its presence was confirmed after years of meticulous analysis, overcoming the limits of detection technology.
Although it lies in the habitable zone, its elliptical orbit presents challenges in determining its true potential for life. Future telescopes may soon provide deeper insights into its atmosphere, making this one of the most exciting exoplanet discoveries in recent years.
The newly confirmed planet, HD 20794 d, is about six times the mass of Earth and orbits a Sun-like star just 20 light-years away. Its position falls within the system’s habitable zone — the region where conditions could allow liquid water to exist, a key factor for supporting life.
“With its location in a habitable zone and relatively close proximity to Earth, this planet could play a pivotal role in future missions that will characterize the atmospheres of exoplanets to search for biosignatures indicating potential life.”
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