A team of researchers has developed a new quantum dilution refrigerator that could revolutionize quantum computing research. Able to create conditions close to absolute zero (more than -400 degrees Fahrenheit) makes it one of the coldest places on Earth when in operation.
Maybell Quantum developed the fridge in collaboration with the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) for sale to customers worldwide. Its first customer is a research institute in Canada for around $800,000 and is scheduled to be shipped out sometime in February 2025.
Officially called the Maybell Quantum Big Fridge, there are also plans to ship more units to places like Japan by the end of the year if all goes according to plan. The inside of the fridge, the team explains, is 270 times colder than deep space and 200,000 times colder than the coldest weather ever recorded on Earth.
“When it’s closed up and turned on, [the refrigerator] is the coldest place in the known universe,” explained Corban Tillemann-Dick, CEO of Maybell Quantum. “This is the best dilution refrigerator in the world. … It’s a dramatically new paradigm for ultra-low temperature physics,” he added.\
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