In a significant scientific achievement, the CMS experiment has verified the mass of the W boson with remarkable accuracy, aligning perfectly with Standard Model predictions.

Utilizing data from millions of particle collisions and advanced analytical techniques, this research marks a milestone in understanding the fundamental constituents of the universe.

In 2022, the Collider Detector at the Fermilab (CDF) experiment made an unexpected measurement of the W boson, one of nature’s force-carrying particles. Now, physicists on the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider announced a new mass measurement of the W boson.

This new measurement, which is a first for the CMS experiment, uses a new technique that makes it the most elaborate investigation of the W boson’s mass to date. Following nearly a decade of analysis, CMS has found that the W boson’s mass is consistent with predictions, finally putting a multi-year-long mystery to rest.

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