The effect of quantum wavefunction superposition is used to create software search parallelism in a newly issued US Patent 8,832, 139 B2¹ to Panvia Future Technologies Inc., Palo Alto, California.

In software form the effect of quantum wavefunction superposition means that multiple separate data combined inside a single representation can be searched in parallel. Panvia’s innovation is a way to encode the components so that the matching data patterns are read directly, thus disambiguating the multiple different candidate potential data match hits in the superposition.

This new form of data search parallelism is created in conventional processors and can fully utilize the vector processing architectures of the latest generation Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) and Accelerated Processor Unit (APU) chips because quantum wavefunction superposition exists in software. As such, it does not require any exotic quantum hardware, unlike Lov Grover’s Fast Quantum Mechanical Algorithms² that uses the theoretical hardware of quantum gates to create quantum entanglement.

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