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Is the NASA Flyby Anomaly evidence for a near-Earth wormhole?
Science News Archive (2014)
Published: 26 December 2014
Jack Sarfatti
2 mins
San Francisco, CA
Is the NASA flyby anomaly evidence for an ET wormhole parked near orbit of Earth around the Sun?
Jack Sarfatti
I am only asking the question here.
The main argument presented in this paper is that the continuing study of unidentified aerial phenomena (“UAP”) may offer an existence theorem for new models of physical reality. The current SETI paradigm and its “assumption of mediocrity” place restrictions on forms of non-human intelligence that may be researched. A similar bias exists in the ufologists’ often-stated hypothesis that UAP, if real, must represent space visitors. Observing that both models are biased by anthropomorphism, the authors attempt to clarify the issues surrounding “high strangeness” observations by distinguishing six layers of information that can be derived from UAP events, namely (1) physical manifestations, (2) anti-physical effects, (3) psychological factors, (4) physiological factors, (5) psychic effects and (6) cultural effects. In a further step they propose a framework for scientific analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena that takes into account the incommensurability problem.
He described twoevents that took place at the NIDS Utah Ranch of, " scientist and one researcher seeing a wormhole, what looked like a wormhole, with a creature crawling through." In the second event, "...the ranch owners had seen an opening in the sky inbroad daylight with a triangular craft that came through it." Dr. Davis then compared these observations with known wormhole physics. "...that's an example of data that indicates a wormhole involved. Geometry tells you what a wormhole looks like when itintersects our space. It appears as [an intensely bright] point of light and then, as the intersection gets larger and larger,it opens up and you begin to see the hole." At that point, he noted, objects could traverse the wormhole.
1 min
Jack Sarfatti
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Date: December 25, 2014 at 9:24:05 AM PST
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Subject: The Physics arXiv Blog published “Best of 2014: Supermassive Black Hole At The Centre Of The Galaxy May Be A Wormhole In Disguise”
PS also I want to emphasize:
If it's a wormhole and not a black hole it will not have any of the new high energy Hawking horizon radiation I have predicted at Unruh temperature
Thot ~ hc/kB(A^1/2L)^1/2
A = horizon area
L = quantum uncertainty in radial position of the classical 2D (apparent) horizon surface.
Compared to Hawking's early formula for low energy black body radiation
Tcold ~ hc/kBA^1/2
Wout/Qin ~ 1 - Tcold/Thot = 1 - (L/A^1/2)^1/2 horizon is a heat engine producing energy-work Wout.
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On Dec 25, 2014, at 6:14 PM, JACK SARFATTI <
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> wrote:
Yeah, u told me you were trying to figure it out quite awhile ago
7. The Flyby Anomaly
As ‘Flyby Anomaly’ (PA),148, 190–194 it is intended the collection of unexplained increases ∆v∞ in the asymptotic line-of-sight velocity v∞, of the order of ≈ 1 − 10 mm s−1 with uncertainties as little as ≈ 0.05 − 0.1 mm s−1, experienced by the interplanetary spacecraft Galileon, NEAR, Cassinio, Rosettap and, perhaps, Juno194,197 at their Earth flybys. The FA has not yet been detected when such spacecraft flew by other planets, perhaps due to their still relatively inaccurate gravity field models.193, 195, 198 In all of the reported flybys, all the efforts of either the navigation and the radio science teams to find an explanation of this anomaly were unsuccessful. Juno flew by the Earth on 9 October 2013; in principle, it would be an ideal probe to detect the anomaly, if any, since the control sequence for the spacecraft did not introduce significant translational forces over an 8-days interval centered on the perigee passage.194 Data analysis are still ongoing, but, according to some sources,197 a discrepancy between the measured and the predicted asymptotic speeds would have occurred.
What if ET have parked a wormhole portal near Earth?
Traversable wormholes: Some simple examples
Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington)
(Submitted on 4 Sep 2008)
Building on the work of Morris, Thorne, and Yurtsever, some particularly simple examples of traversable wormholes are exhibited. These examples are notable both because the analysis is not limited to spherically symmetric cases, and because it is possible to in some sense minimize the use of exotic matter. In particular, it is possible for a traveller to traverse such a wormhole without passing through a region of exotic matter. As in previous analyses, the weak energy condition is violated in these traversable wormholes.
Hey the faint young Sun anomaly surprised me. I did not know about it.
5. The Faint Young Sun Paradox
According to established evolutionary models of the Sun’s history, the energy output of our star during the Archean, from 3.8 to 2.5 Gyr ago, would have been insufficient to maintain liquid water on the Earth’s surface. Instead, there are strong independent evidences that, actually, our planet was mainly covered by liquid water oceans, hosting also forms of life, during that remote era. This is the so-called158 ‘Faint Young Sun Paradox’ (FYSP). For a recent review of it, see Ref. 159 and the references therein.
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Supermassive Black Hole At The Centre Of The Galaxy May Be A Wormhole In...
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Jack Sarfatti
On Dec 25, 2014, at 6:07 PM, creon levit <
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> wrote:
Jack - did you know I have been designing a satellite mission explicitly to test the flyby anomaly? If you're interested I will tell you about it next time we meet.
On Dec 25, 2014, at 5:23 PM, JACK SARFATTI <
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> wrote:
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CNR-Istituto di metodologie inorganiche e dei plasmi (I.M.I.P), Via Amendola, 122/D Bari, 70126, Italy
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Mindful of the anomalous perihelion precession of Mercury discovered by U. Le Verrier in the second half of the nineteenth century and its successful explanation by A. Einstein with his General Theory of Relativity in the early years of the twentieth century, discrepancies among observed effects in our Solar system and their theoretical predictions on the basis of the currently accepted laws of gravitation applied to known bodies have the potential of paving the way for remarkable advances in fundamental physics. This is particularly important now more than ever, given that most of the Universe seems to be made of unknown substances dubbed Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Should this not be directly the case, Solar system’s anomalies could anyhow lead to advancements in cumulative science, as shown to us by the discovery of Neptune in the first half of the nineteenth century. Moreover, investigations in one of such directions can serendipitously enrich the other one as well. The current status of some alleged gravitational anomalies in the Solar system is critically reviewed. They are: a) Possible anoma- lous advances of planetary perihelia; b) Unexplained orbital residuals of a recently discovered moon of Uranus (Mab); c) The lingering unexplained secular increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon; d) The so-called Faint Young Sun Paradox; e) The secular decrease of the mass parameter of the Sun; f) The Flyby Anomaly; g) The Pioneer Anomaly; and h) The anomalous secular increase of the astronomical unit
Keywords: Relativity and gravitation; Experimental studies of gravity; Experimental tests of gravita- tional theories; Modified theories of gravity; Ephemerides, almanacs, and calendars; Lunar, planetary, and deep-space probes.
Stardrive, ISEP, Internet Science Education Project
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