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Science News
Weird Desk
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Published Date
Photographer snaps strange 'jellyfish' UFO in the sky
03 June 2015
UFO Sucking Water Out Of California Lake, May 2015
30 May 2015
Some crazy anomaly or a UFO? (or, CGI fake? ;-)
29 May 2015
VIDEO: Bizarre hovering 'UFO' lights are the 'REAL DEAL', claim alien chasers
27 May 2015
Hunting for UFO’s in Monterey Bay
27 May 2015
Listen Closely To What A U.S. Air Force Colonel Has To Say About UFOs
26 May 2015
UFO Caught Sucking Water Out Of California Lake, May 2015?
26 May 2015
Glowing Flying Saucer Spotted over Bitexco Financial Tower in Ho Chi Minh City
26 May 2015
Mumbai Airport 'UFO' Mystery Solved: 'Parachutes' Were Advertising Balloons
26 May 2015
Mystery shrouds UFOs seen hovering over Mumbai airport
26 May 2015
Update: Kodachrome Slide Controversy — “Alien Body” Does Not Match Entity Once Displayed in Closed Million Dollar Museum, White's City, NM
22 May 2015
Mysterious object caught on camera at museum
22 May 2015
Mysterious Ball of Light / UFO Over Dallas Neighborhood - 5/17/15
22 May 2015
Strange lights spotted hovering over deserted countryside spark alien theories
22 May 2015
A UFO or sounds from God - just what is that evil-sounding trumpet noise coming from the sky?
20 May 2015
UFO Fleet vs. US Army at Fort Benning?
20 May 2015
Shape shifting UFO spotted at PGA tournament?
19 May 2015
Very Unusual Energy Display in Florida Sky - 5-15-2015
18 May 2015
Is this new proof of UFOs in the night sky?
18 May 2015
What IS this strange sound from the sky? Noise heard across the globe for nearly a DECADE - but nobody has an explanation
17 May 2015
What IS this strange sound from the sky? Noise heard across the globe for nearly a DECADE - but nobody has an explanation
17 May 2015
U.S. Senator Richard Russell Saw Disc-Shaped UFOs In Russia In 1955
17 May 2015
UFO Spotted Circling Mysterious Lights on Ceres
17 May 2015
Amazing First Hand Testimony by Dulce, NM Residents
14 May 2015
Canadian Naval Base Buzzed By A UFO With Several Witnesses and Video
14 May 2015
'Great Whites' on Ceres 'could be ice' but UFO buffs still think aliens live there
13 May 2015
Did A UFO 'Not Made By Man' Hover Over Chile?
13 May 2015
'UFO' filmed over El Paso by amateur videographer
12 May 2015
The Roswell Slides: UFO researcher apologises after admitting 'dead alien' picture actually showed the mummified body of a child
12 May 2015
ROSWELL: Man behind 'irrefutable UFO crash proof' linked to string of alien hoaxes
11 May 2015
UFO expert spots disk-shaped craft speeding high above the Australian desert - and says he has had 500 close encounters
11 May 2015
Daytime UFO Over Rome, Italy (April 2015)
10 May 2015
China Releases Moon Footage of Alien Bases(?)
08 May 2015
More strange sounds in Terrace, B.C.
08 May 2015
Diamond-Shaped Bright Object Spotted Hovering over New York Lake
08 May 2015
REVEALED: 'Images of Roswell ALIEN found in wreckage of crashed UFO' almost 70 years ago
06 May 2015
What are the 'blazing' objects, orange spheres and loud explosions above Auckland? Residents blame UFOs for a string of strange activity in the night sky
06 May 2015
TV Station Refuses To Comment On UFO Over San Diego (gee, how surprising!)
06 May 2015
Watch mysterious glowing UFO move slowly across the sky above Argentina
06 May 2015
Unseen images of 'Roswell alien corpse in crashed UFO' to be released today
05 May 2015
Unsolved riddle: Speculation abounds after B.C. UFO sighting
05 May 2015
UFO Over Yellowstone Supervolcano
04 May 2015
Unseen Roswell 'alien' photos to be unveiled tomorrow - are they an extraterrestrial smoking gun or a cruel hoax?
04 May 2015
Huge cigar-shaped UFO spotted hovering over Mexican volcano in strange video
04 May 2015
Aliens Attack India, Kill 7 People – “Muhnochwa” UFO Caught On Film? (Video)
04 May 2015
San Diego News Crew Captures Large UFO ON Camera
03 May 2015
Bigfoot Sighting near Flagstaff Arizona
03 May 2015
Amazing Nepali CCTV Triangle UFO Video
02 May 2015
UFOs over the White House: Do the US presidents know about the existence of aliens?
02 May 2015
UFO Sighting in Pampanga, Phiilipines
02 May 2015
Unsolved mystery: Speculation abounds after B.C. UFO sighting
01 May 2015
Roswell UFO Metal at Lockheed Martin?
01 May 2015
Mysterious green skull-shaped mass discovered during space experiment is of alien origin, believe researchers
01 May 2015
Mysterious Lights Spotted South of Downtown San Diego
01 May 2015
UFO buzzes NYC?
27 April 2015
Driver claims she found a dead chupacabra on Oklahoma roadside - with photos to prove it
25 April 2015
Has NASA Accidentally Created a Warp Field?
25 April 2015
Florida witness says triangle UFO was silent and muffled local sounds
25 April 2015
Bizarre Implant X-Rayed in Woman's Upper Back
24 April 2015
Expert Says He's Solved The Mystery Of The Calbuco Volcano UFO
24 April 2015
UFO Orbs Captured On Video Flying In Formation Into Erupting Calbuco Volcano In Chile?
24 April 2015
Remember when George Bush's ranch got buzzed by a UFO?
24 April 2015
Richard Dolan: UFOs and Citizen Action
22 April 2015
UFO Sighting Filmed over Lima, Peru – 13th April 2015
22 April 2015
Florida witness considers ‘transparent’ triangle UFO one of ours
21 April 2015
‘UFO’ captured on camera in Hastings
21 April 2015
Former Canadian defence minister urges governments to release UFO info
20 April 2015
UFOs Confront Soldiers During War, Says Ex-Air Force Intelligence Officer
20 April 2015
Mysterious Glowing UFO Filmed Over Central Bakersfield, California [Video]
17 April 2015
Mystery of Earth's 'hum' heard by millions SOLVED by researchers – and it's NOT aliens
17 April 2015
Chile UFO: Government confirm mysterious object is NOT 'made by man'
17 April 2015
Three months in a row of UFOs over Bakersfield
15 April 2015
Shape-shifting UFO photographed over Bogotá by Director of Columbia's English language newspaper
13 April 2015
Spaceship Burglary Charges Dropped For San Francisco Man
12 April 2015
Is this a 300 million-year-old SCREW? (no ;-)Group claims it could be proof of aliens living on Earth - but scientists say it's just a fossilised sea creature
11 April 2015
Passenger films daylight maneuvering orbs from airplane
11 April 2015
V-shaped Object Videotaped over Great Britain
11 April 2015
10 April 2015
Obama’s Pilot Believes UFOs Are Real
10 April 2015
Texas witness says two UFOs were followed by black helicopter
08 April 2015
Terminally ill man set to be first to undergo the world's first full HEAD transplant
08 April 2015
Barwell woman captures "eerie" UFO footage
08 April 2015
Phoenix Lights? UFO reported over north Phx, Glendale
08 April 2015
Meet the Chinese Lumberjack Who Slept With an Alien
07 April 2015
Three cigar UFOs spotted over Omaha
07 April 2015
UFOs Over El Paso
07 April 2015
A UFO on Google Mars?
07 April 2015
Village waits for "aliens" to return
06 April 2015
Mysterious 100m-wide black ring filmed floating in clear skies above Kazakhstan
06 April 2015
Chimpanzee Expert Jane Goodall Tells Why She Believes in Bigfoot
05 April 2015
Disc-shaped UFO filmed over Leeds
05 April 2015
Mysterious UFO sighting leaves southwest Bakersfield neighbors puzzled
05 April 2015
If You're Looking For UFOs, This Map Might Drive You Crazy
04 April 2015
‘Baby Bigfoot’ Sounds Recorded, Parents Spotted in New Mexico Navajo Reservation
04 April 2015
Hundreds see UFO and hear loud noises in UK town
03 April 2015
Were these strange noises heard in Jersey City the sounds of a UFO? (VIDEO)
03 April 2015
Stonewalling: U. K. MoD Delays Once Again Release of 18 Classified UFO Files Admittedly Withheld in FOIA Correspondence with Retired USAF Tech Sgt. John Burroughs
01 April 2015
Mysterious Booms Keep Some Berkeley Residents Up At Night
01 April 2015
Nick Pope: Rendelsham Forest Bombshell
01 April 2015
Mt. Shasta Google Street View UFO
30 March 2015
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