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Science News
Weird Desk
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Published Date
Wikileaks documents ‘offer hints about UFOs’, alien-hunters claim
30 December 2014
Incerdible Video of UFO Fleet Over Philly, 2014-12-27, 1 of 3
29 December 2014
Alien hunters spot a 'COFFIN' on Mars - and they want Nasa to take a closer look at the mysterious box-shaped rock
29 December 2014
Is there a wormhole star gate shadowing Earth?
28 December 2014
Update on UFO Enigma
28 December 2014
UFOs: What to Do? -- Rand Document on UFOs
27 December 2014
Kevin Kevin Randle Discovers MAJESTIC Document That Discredits MJ-12
27 December 2014
Oh Wow! Sasquatch Ontario Is Now Playing Tic-Tac-Toe With Bigfoot
27 December 2014
Check out these UFO-style crop patterns by DRONE
27 December 2014
Report Seven - Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada - Pictures (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)
27 December 2014
24 December 2014
Horseshoe-shaped UFO photographed hovering over Pikes Peak
23 December 2014
Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot: New Evidence Found On Frame 61
23 December 2014
Billy Cox: And to all a good night
23 December 2014
Have The WikiLeaks Documents Exposed The Government Alien UFO Cover-Up?
22 December 2014
Nick Pope – Britain’s Most Famous UFO Case – December 22, 2014
22 December 2014
UFOs, a demand for transparency
21 December 2014
Remarkable UFO Wave Continues Over British Columbia Canada (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)
21 December 2014
Multiple witnesses spot UFO over Capua in Caserta, Italy (Photo)
19 December 2014
A UFO, meteor shower… or a very drunk pilot? Mystery over the bizarre trail left in evening sky over Siberia
19 December 2014
Chile’s UFO investigations to be aided by prominent French aerospace organization
17 December 2014
Phoenix Lights UFO: Watch incredible classified footage of US fighter jets 'engaging unknown aircraft'
13 December 2014
Bullets in a blue sky: Mysterious 'UFO's' spotted in the sky above Leicestershire
13 December 2014
A Critical Examination of the Todd Standing Sylvanic Video Subjects
12 December 2014
Bigfoot believer claims DNA proves beast's existence
12 December 2014
Did ISS cam capture video of a UFO shooting a laser at Earth?
12 December 2014
Astronaut Screams "Oh My God" After Witnessing UFO During Live ESA Feed
12 December 2014
Mysterious Lights looking toward Area 51
07 December 2014
Retired airline captain reflects on UFO photo
06 December 2014
UFO or Satellite? ‘Strange Red’ Sphere Appears Over Earth on International Space Station Camera
06 December 2014
New Footage of Phoenix Lights shows Military Involvement
02 December 2014
A jet's sonic boom, meteors, fireworks... or UFOs?
30 November 2014
Amazing Unknown Transparent Vehicle Captured Over Vienna, Austria, Nov 26, 2014
29 November 2014
UFO Above Ground Nucleoelectric In Veracruz Mexico
27 November 2014
Huge Triangular Shaped UFO And 2 Smaller Orbs Filmed In Great Britain.
26 November 2014
Billy Cox: If you want it done right
26 November 2014
Billy Cox: If you want it done right
26 November 2014
Activist demands Congresssional action on aliens - of the extraterrestrial kind
24 November 2014
Unknown red sphere like object photographed over Charlottetown in Canada
23 November 2014
Amazing UFO Footage From Arizona
19 November 2014
Diamond UFO spotted at 100 feet over small Oregon town
18 November 2014
New Area 51 alien autopsy photos are authentic, says UFO expert Tom Carey
18 November 2014
Mystery saucer shaped object pictured floating in the sky over Manchester
17 November 2014
Both Both Sides of the Stephen Michalak UFO Encounter at Falcon
16 November 2014
Roswell UFO researcher claims to have picture of aliens
15 November 2014
Mum catches 'UFO' on camera and proclaims: "It was unbelievable, I've never seen anything like it"
15 November 2014
Georgia witness photographs cigar-shaped UFO
14 November 2014
Did a Russian Su-24 use reversed engineered ET technology to literally "shut down" the USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) an "Aegis" equipped, Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer?"
13 November 2014
Fires from nowhere which have claimed 164 houses blamed on "spirits" Darazo Nigeria
13 November 2014
New 2014 Stephenville Videos Emerge Of Anomalous Blue Flashing Lights
12 November 2014
Alien Abduction or “Accidental Awareness”?
12 November 2014
New Nessie Video
10 November 2014
Incredible Pilot Video of UFO Over Puerto Rico Entering and Exiting Ocean
07 November 2014
The Rendlesham UFO: Which Scenario?
07 November 2014
Very Unusual UFO or Drone Hovering Low Over Union Sqaure, San Francisco, Nov 6
07 November 2014
A Month of UFO Sightings in Colorado’s San Luis Valley
07 November 2014
Triangle UFO on Michigan video might be stealth aircraft
07 November 2014
Low Pennsylvania UFO lit neighborhood ground orange
31 October 2014
Morgan Freeman: 'We May Already Be In The Midst Of A Growing Zombie Apocalypse'
31 October 2014
Bright, white 'UFO' haunting southern Colorado sky
31 October 2014
Witnesses terrified by UFO as they catch it on video
31 October 2014
Helicopters surround UFO on rural road: National Geographic hunts for answers
31 October 2014
Powerful US Senator Sees UFOs in Russia - 1955
31 October 2014
Space agency attempted to steal evidence of extraterrestrial life, claims Sri Lankan politician
30 October 2014
Virginia witness photographs UFO hovering over neighbor’s tree
30 October 2014
NASA caught deleting UFO photos from its website
29 October 2014
California woman captures most shocking UFO images yet [Video]
29 October 2014
Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar appearing at the 2015 International UFO Congress
28 October 2014
UFOs Over the Eiffel Tower
28 October 2014
28 October 2014
The Boyd Bushman Area 51 Mystery
28 October 2014
Are Bigfoot alien beings? – part 3 of 5
27 October 2014
UFO Over India
27 October 2014
Italian Village Plagued by Mysterious Fires Has Been Puzzling Scientists for Years
26 October 2014
Mysterious fires officials blamed on UFOs and aliens return to Sicily
26 October 2014
The Deathbed Confession of Area 51 Scientist & Lockheed Senior: UFOs, Anti-Gravity and Aliens
25 October 2014
UFO at Popocatépetl volcano returns over several days on Mexican webcam [Video]
25 October 2014
Billy Cox: Don't hold your breath
24 October 2014
NASA Spacewalk Video Shows a Pretty Obvious UFO
22 October 2014
Breakdown - Baby Bigfoot Caught On Tape
22 October 2014
Massive UFO Sighting In Devizes Somerset, Great Britain
22 October 2014
West Virginia witness files UFO video of object near recent Marmet sighting
21 October 2014
Dr. Jeff Meldrum at The Yakama Bigfoot Round-Up
19 October 2014
Dr. John Bindernagel Just Gave An Awesome Presentation at The Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up
19 October 2014
Peru: Strange Object Startles Residents of San Isidro
18 October 2014
New ‘sightings’ in Queensland of the mythical Yowie have sparked a spat between rival hunters
18 October 2014
Detailed Bigfoot Sighting Report (pics)
17 October 2014
Three ‘football field sized’ UFOs reported low by multiple West Virginia witnesses
17 October 2014
Is this silver dome-shaped object spotted in the sky above a paranormal conference a UFO?
17 October 2014
Santa Monica Evening UFOs, 10-15-14
17 October 2014
‘Shape shifting’ UFOs video over Massachusetts skies
17 October 2014
The Kentucky Bigfoot Vocalizations
17 October 2014
Watch the moment UFO turns day to night in an instant
17 October 2014
Spectacular UFO Footage! MUST SEE
17 October 2014
‘Shape shifting’ UFOs videotaped over Massachusetts skies
17 October 2014
U.F.O. Orb Spotted Over Valley? Are Aliens Visiting The Area?
15 October 2014
Witness videotapes UFOs over Colorado Springs
15 October 2014
Roswell UFO conspiracy 'explained' in German documentary after 'new evidence' is revealed
14 October 2014
Snowden leaked NSA document supports whistleblower's claim of alien UFO communication program
14 October 2014
Triangular UFO Recorded On Air France Plane October, 2014
14 October 2014
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