Recently, physicists have started applying quantum information theory to black holes. This led to the conjecture that black holes are the fastest scramblers of
information, and that they scramble it in time order M log M, where M is the mass of the black hole in natural units. As stated above, the conjecture is not completely defined, as there are several possible definitions of scrambling times. It appears that not all papers that refer to this conjecture interpret it the same way. We consider a definition of scrambling time stronger than the one given in the paper that first proposed this conjecture [Sekino and Susskind, JHEP 0810:065 (2008)], and show that this stronger version of the conjecture appears to be incompatible with a number of other widely-believed and reasonable-sounding properties of black holes.

We argue that for the scrambling time of a black hole to be this fast, either relativity is violated or non-standard physics must be occurring outside the stretched event horizon of a black hole. More specifically, either information is being transferred faster than relativity would permit, the information is not carried by the Hawking radiation and thus must be carried by unknown physics, or the Hawking radiation carries much more information than standard thermodynamics would permit.

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