Are alien radio beams causing one of the most mysterious signals from space? A new study by Manasvi Lingam and Avi Loeb at Harvard says that fast radio bursts (FRBs) could come from extraterrestrial radio beams being used as beacons or to power alien light sails.

The source of FRBs, which are milliseconds-long but incredibly bright pulses of radio waves, have intrigued and mystified astronomers for years – and this isn’t the first time aliens have been suggested.

What? They found aliens?

No. There is no evidence that FRBs come from aliens. This new research isn’t saying that anyone found aliens or that aliens cause FRBs. Instead, it takes the scenario where these mysterious signals do come from extragalactic civilizations as a starting point, and asks how that could happen.

Since we don’t know what actually causes FRBs, this work is simply adding another idea to the pile. Many astronomers find it unlikely, but Loeb argues it’s worth investigating anyway.

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