It finally happened. You know all those folks claiming UFO sightings? Some of them were on to something. There is life beyond planet Earth, and it finally contacted us.
The first ships landed twenty years ago. The aliens have been increasing their presence exponentially since then. What we call the A.E. (Alien Era) is marked by alien dominance both in terms of the power they exert over us and in their numbers. They now number over ten billion – a population even larger than humanity, hitherto the dominant species.
There are hardly any free humans anymore. You see, these aliens like the taste of our flesh disproportionately more than that of other animals on our planet, so they pen us up and are selecting the most docile and muscular of us to breed. Women are kept pregnant so that they can be milked. Not only do the aliens like human milk, but when they saw what we did with veal calves, they adopted the same behavior, keeping children confined and anemic so that their flesh would become pale and tender.
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