On Jan 19, 2015, at 10:10 AM, art wagner <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
alpha =/= 2/3 only destroys the unitarity axiom of the world hologram Ansatz
It means that the hologram image projection from 2D pixels on the CFT cosmological horizon (screens) to the interior image gravity bulk 3D voxels is not 1-1 but many to one. That is we are noisy compressed images with glitches like what John Walker has speculated about. We are like ZIPPED FILES.
Note, however, that the Hawking radiation from (apparent) horizons has alpha = 1/2 corresponding to the random walk of thermal blackbody radiation.
The Cosmic Landscape - John Walker's Fourmilab
www.fourmilab.ch/fourmilog/archives/2006-03/000664.html -
Signature in the Cell
www.fourmilab.ch/documents/reading_list/indices/book_726.html -
Universe by Design? Accident? Or Simulation? - Contrary Brin
davidbrin.blogspot.com/2006/03/design-accident-or-simulation.html -
What if our Universe was a Reality Simulation? - A Day in ...
jbmoore61.blogspot.com/2006/03/what-if-our-universe-was-reality.html -
If We Are In A Computer Simulation - Transterrestrial Musings
transterrestrial.com/?p=35009&cpage=1&wpmp_switcher=mobile -
If We Are In A Computer Simulation | Transterrestrial Musings
www.transterrestrial.com/?p=35009 -
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social ...
https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0201483408Kevin Kelly - 1995 - Business & EconomicsThey transferred the laws of hydrology into a simulated universe by hooking up the ... John Walker, founder of the world's premier CAD program, AutoCAD, told a ... -
Find in a library : Super cosmos : through struggles to the stars
www.worldcat.org/wcpa/.../org.oclc.lac.ui.DialABookServlet?...WorldCat -
Saturday night science: The Cosmic Landscape | Ricochet
Small deviations from alpha = 1/2 may contain information on the collapsed matter.