Until just a few years ago, manned spaceflight was the exclusive sandbox of not just nations, but of the world's select superpowers—the countries with enough disposable income to say, "F-ck it. Let's go to the Moon." Those days are over, sadly, slowly smothered by shrinking budgets and realigning priorities.

But this isn't the end of space flight. In fact, it's the start of an exciting new chapter in manned extraterrestrial exploration. Tomorrow, the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch system will take off from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 4:45am tomorrow to deliver supplies to the International Space Station, marking the first time a commercial space has docked with it. So, how exactly will the groceries get there?

It's not the only future of commercial space flight, but it's better than what NASA is doing, or not doing, at the current time. To read more, click here.