He is still regularly quoted as a supreme authority on a range of topics from fundamental physics to Eastern religion, along with his more whimsical asides on people, places and experiences. Now, the thoughts of Albert Einstein have just become more accessible, thanks to a new website launched yesterday that collates 2000 digitized items, including his scientific writings and his personal correspondence. The website also contains various curios, newspaper clippings and even some of Einstein’s poetry.

The new collection has been assembled by the Albert Einstein Archives, a subdivision of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, which has teamed up with the Einstein Papers Project (EPP) based in California. Funding has come from the UK-based Polonsky Foundation, an organization that previously digitized the writings of Sir Isaac Newton for the University of Cambridge. The new Einstein collection is designed to replace an earlier database launched in 2003, which contained just 900 digitized papers.

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