Some scientists call the cosmological constant the "worst prediction of physics." And when today’s theories give an estimated value that is about 120 orders of magnitude larger than the measured value, it’s hard to argue with that title. In a new study, a team of physicists has taken a different view of the cosmological constant, Λ, which drives the accelerated expansion of the universe. While the cosmological constant is usually interpreted as a vacuum energy, here the physicists provide evidence to support the possibility that the mysterious force instead emerges from a microscopic quantum theory of gravity, which is currently beyond physicist's reach.

"However, I have what may be the correct explanation. The dark energy is back-from-the-future light cone Wheeler-Feynman Hawking black body real photons that get redshifted all the way down to virtual zero point vacuum fluctuation photons when they reach us from our future cosmological event horizon." - Jack Sarfatti

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