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Science News
Weird Desk
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Published Date
Mapping the distant Universe with BOSS
06 May 2011
Stanford study backs Einstein's relativity theory
06 May 2011
Journal rejects studies contradicting precognition
06 May 2011
Proposal for optical transistor uses light to control light
06 May 2011
Are we surrounded by Dyson Spheres?
06 May 2011
DARPA sets out to build futuristic space exploration organization
04 May 2011
04 May 2011
Signs of dark matter from Minnesota mine
04 May 2011
Fleeting antimatter trapped for a quarter of an hour
04 May 2011
Some Black Holes May Pre-Date The Big Bang, Say Cosmologists
03 May 2011
Single Atom Stores Quantum Information
03 May 2011
Uncertainty entangled: The limits of quantum weirdness
03 May 2011
Time Travel Impossible, Mini "Big Bang" Hints
01 May 2011
The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements
01 May 2011
3-D nanocone solar cell technology cranks up efficiency
30 April 2011
Super-Civilizations Might Live Off Black Holes
30 April 2011
For NASA, What Comes After The Shuttle Program?
30 April 2011
Quantum effects brought to light
29 April 2011
Notorious big G: The struggle to pin down gravity
29 April 2011
Quantum probes that won't kill Schrödinger's cat
29 April 2011
Stuart Hameroff: Is the universe conscious?
29 April 2011
Antimatter detector ready for launch
29 April 2011
Missing matter: Where did half the universe go?
29 April 2011
Astronomers Unveil Portrait of 'Exotic Super-Earth:' Densest Known Rocky Planet
29 April 2011
Early Warning Signal for Ecosystem Collapse: Fluctuations Before the Fall
29 April 2011
Technique reveals quantum phase transition; could lead to superconducting transistors
28 April 2011
Researchers take a step toward valleytronics
28 April 2011
Will There Ever Be An "Internet Erase Button"?
28 April 2011
A 100-Year Plan for Nuclear Waste
28 April 2011
Surreptitious sleep states uncovered
28 April 2011
Twisty light tells left-handed molecules from right
28 April 2011
Neurorobotics Reveals Brain Mechanisms of Self-Consciousness
28 April 2011
Origami DNA, Folded Into Complex Shapes, Could Have a Big Impact on Nanotechnology
28 April 2011
CERN physics lab downplays claim of key discovery
27 April 2011
Diamonds shine in quantum networks
27 April 2011
Digging Deeper, Seeing Farther: Supercomputers Alter Science
27 April 2011
Nuclear Photonics: Gamma Rays Search for Concealed Nuclear Threats
27 April 2011
Full 3-D Invisibility Cloak in Visible Light
27 April 2011
New Evidence on Origin of Supernovas
27 April 2011
Top astronomers warn the world could end within 90 years
25 April 2011
Scientists suggest spacetime has no time dimension
25 April 2011
Budget crunch mothballs telescopes built to search for alien signals
25 April 2011
Anti-Helium Discovered in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Experiment
25 April 2011
Funding the seed corn of advanced space technology
25 April 2011
Sir Martin Rees: Atheists should drop anti-religion campaigns
25 April 2011
Towards a Gamma Ray Laser: A Laser from Atomic Nuclei
24 April 2011
SpaceX aims to put man on Mars in 10-20 years
24 April 2011
Journal of Cosmology, 2011, V14:Retrocausality and Signal Nonlocality in Consciousness and Cosmology
24 April 2011
Alien World's Fast Orbit Creates Shock Waves
23 April 2011
Has the LHC found a hint of the Higgs boson?
23 April 2011
Titanium oxide doped with cobalt produces magnetoeletronic properties at room temperature
22 April 2011
Isolated proton reveals magnetic secret
22 April 2011
Huge Dry Ice Deposit on Mars: NASA Orbiter Reveals Big Changes in Red Planet's Atmosphere
22 April 2011
Functioning Brain Synapse Created Using Carbon Nanotubes
22 April 2011
The ultimate camo: Team to mimic camouflage skill of marine animals in high-tech materials
22 April 2011
Primordial weirdness: Did the early universe have just 1 dimension?
21 April 2011
How To Spot a Rotating Black Hole
21 April 2011
Polymer heals itself with exposure to light
21 April 2011
Another Universe Tugging on Ours? Maybe Not: Data from Exploding Stars Contradicts Earlier Study
21 April 2011
Harvesting Water From Fog
21 April 2011
Single-electron transistor may be quantum leap for memory/processors
21 April 2011
Extraterrestrial DJs: spinning tunes for the stars
21 April 2011
A Roadmap for Stalking Extremophiles
21 April 2011
New limit on putative dark-matter particle
20 April 2011
Laser spark plugs promise revolution in internal combustion engines
20 April 2011
Scientists make quantum breakthrough
20 April 2011
A breakthrough on paper that's ten times stronger than steel
20 April 2011
Novel cloaking device makes 'larger' objects invisible
20 April 2011
Conventional Propulsion to Support an Interstellar Probe
20 April 2011
NASA funds next-gen spaceships
20 April 2011
If There's Life Beyond Earth, Does It Change Our Sense Of Nature?
20 April 2011
"The Second Relativity Revolution": Jack Sarfatti Comments On Super Technology
20 April 2011
Accelerate Data Storage by Several Orders of Magnitude? Ultra-Fast Magnetic Reversal Observed
19 April 2011
Alien trees just might look black
19 April 2011
Researchers create super-small transistor, artificial atom powered by single electrons
19 April 2011
To Tug Hearts, Music First Must Tickle the Neurons
19 April 2011
To Share and Share Alike
19 April 2011
Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Now Crawling With Robots (Video)
19 April 2011
Painkillers lose their potency in space
19 April 2011
NASA pulls out of astrophysics missions
19 April 2011
What Will the Universe Look Like in One Trillion Years?
19 April 2011
New Kid on the Plasmonic Block
19 April 2011
Talking about God, are you a converger or a diverger?
19 April 2011
Solar power: breakthrough could herald big drop in costs
18 April 2011
One-way Light
18 April 2011
Sensor Data up for Grabs
18 April 2011
Do Aliens Speak Particle-Tongue?
18 April 2011
Neutrons could test Newton's gravity and string theory
18 April 2011
Antiparticles Cannot Replace Dark Energy as the Cause of Universe’s Acceleration!
18 April 2011
Sonic booms may shape cosmic strings
17 April 2011
Can antimatter gravity explain the Universe's expansion?
17 April 2011
World's first human brain map unveiled
17 April 2011
Solar Activity Heats Up
15 April 2011
Beam me up ... Quantum teleporter breakthrough
15 April 2011
Putting a fuel cell 'in your pocket'
15 April 2011
Are larger earthquakes a sign of the times?
15 April 2011
Dark matter no-show at sensitive underground lab
15 April 2011
The 'quantum magnet': Physicists expand prospects for engineering unusual materials
15 April 2011
Scientists make magnetic new graphene discovery
15 April 2011
'Tendex' lines help visualise black holes
15 April 2011
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