Physics - Weak Measurement of Polarization by a Slit http://t.co/8s8nVBc5
Physics - Drumming to the Beat of the Vacuum http://t.co/ASoKiZ4c
Solid Thinking on Supersolidity http://t.co/h0nKdsk8
Measuring Many-Body Entanglement http://t.co/QqYAypD4
Physics - A New Window on Nanometer Apertures http://t.co/UKKJCSiy
Physics - Don’t Bring the Noise http://t.co/wKq28Qd2
Physics - Quantum Computers Have a Fit http://t.co/sBE0jFLE
Physics - Power Falls in Sync http://t.co/IK35rSfP
Physics - Quantum Solution for Telescope Arrays http://t.co/ekxkagiD
Jack Sarfatti shared a link.
Physics - Tunable Metamaterials http://t.co/NEl2ys0F
Self-Elongating Nanowires http://t.co/Kgs5m5SG
Jack Sarfatti shared a link.
Jack Sarfatti shared a link.
Jack Sarfatti shared a link.
Jack Sarfatti shared a link.
Experimental evidence for violation of quantum no-signaling axiom in... http://t.co/JhyG51Zl