Chapline has interesting things to say in the attached paper on "Helmoholtz machine" as a kind of Jaynes-Cummings N spin model. I am still learning his POV. It would also apply to Hameroff's microtubules networks - the 2-state electrons in each protein dimer.
On Feb 26, 2011, at 8:45 PM, Tony Smith wrote:
Jack, as you know, you and I view human brain quantum consciousness
in terms of resonant connections between microtubules.
A recent web article at
about a Nature article says in part:
"... The Austrian research group led by physicist Rainer Blatt
suggests a fundamentally novel architecture for quantum computation.
They have experimentally demonstrated quantum antennas,
which enable the exchange of quantum information between
two separate memory cells located on a computer chip.
the physicists electromagnetically coupled two groups of ions
over a distance of about 50 micrometers. ...
"The particles oscillate like electrons in the poles of a TV antenna
and thereby generate an electromagnetic field," explains Blatt.
"If one antenna is tuned to the other one,
the receiving end picks up the signal of the sender,
which results in coupling."
The energy exchange taking place in this process could be
the basis for fundamental computing operations of a quantum computer.
In addition,
the scientists show that the coupling is amplified
by using more ions in each well. ...".
It appears that the basic research paper is at
It says in part:
"... direct coupling between the motional dipoles of separately trapped ions
is achieved over a distance of 54 microns,
using the dipole-dipole interaction as a quantum-mechanical transmission line ...
This interaction is small between single trapped ions,
but the coupling is amplified by using additional trapped ions as antennae.
Close to resonance, the motion of the ion strings is strongly coupled ...".
Note that in the microtubule quantum consciousness model,
all the tubulins in a microtubule can coordinate to act
as antennae so that "the coupling is amplified".